Racial Justice

Legal Services

Racial Justice

Communities of color are disproportionately affected by the legal system and much work is still needed to overcome racism and structural discrimination. Legal Services of Central New York is a trusted ally providing advice, counsel, and representation in a variety of areas including civil rights, racial discrimination, and employment discrimination.  We use a community lawyering model to engage with and empower communities of color and address issues they identify. We provide individual legal representation and also work to change unjust systems and policies.  A key issue with which we are currently engaged is the Racial Equity Impact Statement regarding I-81, in partnership with Urban Jobs Taskforce.  We are working to show how employment policies and practices will affect communities of color and to make recommendations for equitable policies and practices that will strengthen our region.

“Building Equity in the Construction Trades: A Racial Equity Impact Statement”

We are here to help.

If you need help with civil rights issues, including racial or employment discrimination, please apply here for free legal services or call (877) 777-6152.